
MBA Students Celebrate Homecoming in Style

Richard Quarisa on Oct 10, 2023

Homecoming—the first major celebration at Western University each September. Everyone across campus shows up to support the school, and this year’s MBA cohort was no exception.

The festivities began a day early for members of the MBA program with a lively and competitive board game night. Students competed against one another at a wide range of games including Catan and Monopoly. Alliances were forged in minutes and broken just as quickly. Thankfully no friendships ended during the excitement, although a few were definitely tested.

“I just can’t believe Derek would do that kinda thing, you know,” said expert game player Mik “GameMaster” Opolski after a particularly exciting round of Catan. “I still love him and everything though, you know. He’s a good guy.”

“I have no regrets,” followed Mik’s roommate, Derek “Good Guy” Gartshore. “I play to win. Leave everything on the board, the court or the classroom floor. That’s what I always say.”

The spirit of competition kicked into high gear across campus the following morning as the Western Mustangs took to the football field for a lop-sided win over the uOttawa Gee-Gees. Six members of the Mustangs scored in front of the 13,000-person crowd en route to a 50-17 win. The game included a devastating 22-0 fourth quarter run for the Mustangs.

After the Mustangs took care of business on the football field, the MBA cohort celebrated at Kurtis Aleksandre’s home in downtown London. It was a warm and sunny day, and the cohort put their Western pride on full display. Classmates arrived to the party decked out in purple tie-dye shirts, purple hats and purple sunglasses. A purple headband was even spotted floating above the crowd.

“WESTEEEERRRRNNNNN!” was all the head band wearer had to say when asked for comment.

Here the tight knit MBA cohort took the opportunity to relax from the program’s busy elective schedule and reconnect with one another. Food, games and soda pops were enjoyed by all.

As the party began to wind down, many members of the cohort wandered off for dinner. They reconvened that evening for closure at some of the fine establishments on Richmond Row, like Barneys and Ceeps.

With another successful Western Homecoming in the rear-view mirror, the MBA cohort returned to class refreshed and excited on Monday morning.


Richard Quarisa

MBA Class of 2024

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