
Global Ivey Day

Riley Trottier on Nov 17, 2016

One of the most-quoted wisdoms about an MBA is that “it’s not about the classes, it’s about the network.” To a large degree, I agree with that statement. The Ivey network is large, diverse and very willing to help one another. Most of our interactions with alumni during the program had been focused on learning about an industry, finding a job, or connecting with another person who could help us move forward in our careers.

That is not what Global Ivey Day is about. Global Ivey Day isn’t the place to “network” in the traditional sense. It isn’t where you go looking for your next job, or to set up a coffee. Global Ivey Day is about celebrating being a part of an amazing community, and having fun. It’s about connecting with old friends, and making new ones. It’s about 75 of your classmates laughing on the dance floor and crowding together to get in one picture. It’s about showing up early and staying until the staff asks you to leave, and then meeting at a pub later.

The best part about Ivey isn’t the classes. Or the network. It’s about the people you meet, and getting to know them as people, not as consultants, bankers, marketers or anything else. Maybe the friends you make at Global Ivey Day will help you get an interview or a raise. But hopefully, above all else, they’ll be people you enjoy spending time with, and someone you’ll look forward to seeing socially, not just professionally.


Riley Trottier

MBA Class of 2017

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